Saturday, 3 May 2014

Stuck in the middle

OK so this week I have put together a few photos I have taken in the centre of Sheffield. There is far more still to cover but unfortunately I have not been able to get out this week due to illness and bad weather. This is the first of a few blogs I will be dedicating to the heart of the city. The centre is littered with iconic and interesting buildings. A relatively new structure on the skyline is that of the Winter Garden a large greenhouse opened in 2003 as part of the cities regeneration. One of the largest buildings of its kind in the UK it houses tropical plants along with shops and cafes and connects to the Millennium galleries which is part of the Museum of Sheffield. 

It is my 30th birthday next week so not sure I will get time for a blog next week but I am hopeful I will. I hope you enjoy the pictures and as always check out the Twitter the Facebook and my Etsy shop. 
Fun Times, Barkers Pool 
Carnival Atmosphere, Barkers Pool

Culture Corner, Tudor Square
Theatre Trip, Tudor Square
Garden Centre, Tudor Square
Knowledge Bank, Sheffield Central Library
Lone Figure, Sheffield Winter Garden
Bowhaus, Sheffield Winter Garden
Balls, St Pauls Place
Greenhouse Effect, St Pauls Place
Rebirth, St Pauls Place
Tête à Tête à Tête, St Pauls Place
Rough Around the Edges, St Pauls Place
Centre of Power, Sheffield Town Hall
Pigeon Politics, Sheffield Town Hall

A Trio of Swingers, Barkers Pool

Real Power, Pool Square
Pillar Forest, Barkers Pool
Standard, Barkers Pool
Shizzle, Fargate
Cafe Culture, Norfolk Row
Hidden Beauty......., Norfolk Street
.....Revealed, Norfolk Street
Smokin', Arundel Gate
The Other Campus, Arundel Gate
Losing the Light, Arundel Gate
Gallery Viewing, Arundel Gate
Urban Jungle Book, Arundel Gate
Where Did I Park?,  Eyre Lane
Centre Point, Eyre Street
The Cube, Eyre Street

This weeks feature.
Vintage Sheffield
Thanks to Andrew Smith on twitter who provided this old picture of Sheffield Cathedral